Hard and Soft Tissue Augmentation Workshop
Dr Ricardo Kern
Formal Education/Degree
2004 - 2006 Master of Science. Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa, UEPG, Brazil. Advisor: Gibson Louis Pilatti.
2003 - 2004 Master's in Business Administration - MBA Executivo. (424h). Instituto Superior de Administração e Economia da Fundação Getulio Vargas, ISAE/FGV, Brazil.
2001 - 2002 Periodontology (540h). Brazilian Dental Association (ABO) - PR, Brazil. Advisor: Fabio Anibal Goires.
2001 - 2002 Postgraduate in Implant Dentistry Brazilian Dental Association (ABO) - PR, Brazil.
1997 - 2000 Graduation in Dentistry. Universidade Federal do Paraná, UFPR, Brazil.
Complementary Education
2000 - 2000 Continuing education in Periodontology. (Credit hours: 62h). Universidade Federal do Paraná, UFPR, Brasil.
1998 - 1999 Continuing education in Anatomy. (Credit hours: 224h). Universidade Federal do Paraná, UFPR, Brasil.
Professional Experience
2005 - 2006 Councils, Commissions and Consulting, Research Ethics Committee. Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa, UEPG, Brazil
2004 - 2005 Periodontology Post- Graduate Professor Brazilian Dental Association (ABO) - PR, Brazil .
2001 - now Private Practice
Firmly entrenched within the high aesthetic requirements of Brazilian dentistry, I am having focus my work on the demanding disciplines of soft tissue design and reconstruction. Vast experience in immediate implant placement with temporization, from single tooth to full arch rehabilitation. Have been invited to lecture and to do training about the soft tissue (design, preservation and reconstruction) on several postgraduating courses as well as congress and seminars from Latin America to overseas
Dr Radoslaw Jadach
Dr. Radoslaw Jadach graduated from the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Wroclaw Medical University in 2001. Between 2002 and 2012 Dr. Jadach worked in the Department of Emergency Medicine University of Wroclaw, Department of Medicine Oral Mucosal and Periodontal Diseases University of Wroclaw, and Was a physician in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Medical University of Wroclaw.
He’s received complementary management training in implant soft tissues held in prestigious centers in the years 2005-2013: New York, Berlin, Stuttgart, and Genoa.
In 2009 Dr. Jadach began training at the University of New York: Continuing Education Linhart Dental Program NYU Implant Continuum Education & OSIS & CEIA, which ended in August 2012 and has been certified at New York University.
He is a lecturer and trainer on symposia and national and international conferences. In his own practice focuses mainly on microsurgery techniques and extensive soft tissue reconstructive surgery for the purpose of alveolar implantology.
He was the first doctor in Poland to apply pre-orthodontic decortication procedure using Piezoelectric Device and first created a classification of anatomical indications for the treatment of maxillary sinus floor elevation with access from the hard palate.
Dr. Jadach is also a co-founder of the Oral Surgery Academy.
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